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webdee-seoservice.com 339/753 M. 12 Pattaya 20150 Thailand Tel. 0846363279 info@webdee-seoservice.com

SEO Website

Let people find you in Google and other search engines by given keywords.

SEO service
Professional SEO service means to be found on the internet
Clear costs and serious advice about when it is possible or not

What is the scope of a SEO service?
The scope of a SEO website, web design or website is to be found on the internet by given keywords or names of products/brands.
In the case of a brand as a keywords the job is easier.

SEO web design
Search engine optimized
Let people find you on the internet
SEO technical gears
Personalized studies and projects
Focus on contents and visibility

SEO website

A web design that helps search engines understand the content of your website can significantly improve its delivery to users based on their search queries.
Being found on the internet also builds trust with potential customers. A company that doesn't appear in internet searches can seem like a minor entity.
Investing in SEO can be very useful, but it can also be a way to waste money if you are not aware of what SEO really entails and what you truly need.
To be more prepared, you should know something about it. You can read our entire home page or, for a quick overview, just the following article.
You can also contact us at info@webdee-seoservice.com or watch this SEO video: click here.

Fast website and SEO

How to be found on the web through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a huge topic. Already on our homepage, webdee-seoservice.com, we talk a lot about SEO.
Here on this page, we will be more technical about what we specifically do, which settings we apply to our SEO web design, and what results we can realistically achieve.
Besides thousands of suggestions and tricks that you can read on the internet about SEO, we focus more on a few important points.
  1. 📚 Contents and focus on particular content
  2. 👌 Easiness of use
  3. ⚡ Speed (load time)
  4. 📲 Adaptability on any device
  5. 🗺 Local SEO
  6. 🔍 Google, Bing and Yandex sign up
  7. 😌 Look and Feel
  8. 🔒 Secure the website
See all the points in detail below here or read a more complete SEO guide from Google:

1. 📚 Contents and focus on particular content

Keywords, title tags, meta descriptions, images with title and ALT-text, infographics, anchor text with title, single H1 tag for each page, evergreen content, original long-form content, external links to informative websites.

Enhance content with infographics, illustrations, images, or videos to maintain user engagement. Videos should only play after a click, never automatically.
Highlight your existing content. Many enterprises have untapped resources that can significantly boost authority and ranking.

Provide clearly marked internal links (typically in blue) to aid navigation. The website design should ensure users can quickly grasp: “what you do”, “where you are”, “what it costs”. Secondary details can include “how you do”, “your timing”, and additional information.

The language should be conversational rather than journalistic. It's crucial to include questions and answers in descriptions like: “how to use?”, “How to maintain?”, “How to assemble?”, “How to buy?”

Include a search box that automatically suggests terms as users type.

2. 👌 Ease of use

Emphasize the above-the-fold area. Our SEO web design architecture will display all possible links rather than complex submenus (what visitors don’t see, search engines won’t either). Focus on highlighting information rather than slogans to help visitors quickly understand what you offer.

Ensure essential links are accessible: home, contacts, products/services, pricing. For ecommerce, include links to ecommerce sections or specific product pages.

Design the website for usability without requiring zooming. Use white spaces (paragraph and line spacing) to allow quick scanning on smartphones. Bold characters can serve as visual cues.

3. Speed (load time)

Optimize images with thumbnails that expand on click, robust HTML/PHP structure with minimal database use, full functionality on slow internet, minified CSS on pages, minimal JavaScript.

Replace “like” and other social buttons with simple links. Avoid using ecommerce platforms directly as main sites; instead, link to product pages using a faster web design platform.

Use common fonts, deferred loading icons, and HTML character entities such as 😀 (this is not an image, but a character).

4. 📲 Adaptability on any device

Ensure mobile-friendly and desktop-friendly design with a single version for all screens.

Maintain consistent font sizes across all pages for easy navigation. Clearly visible page titles above the fold help visitors understand their location without scrolling. Ensure the logo is clickable for easy return to the homepage. Use a prominent image on each page as a visual reminder for returning visitors.

5. 🗺 Local SEO

Include NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) and customer reviews linked on the contact page with an embedded Google map (Google My Business). Encourage citations on social networks.

6. 🔍 Google, Bing, and other search engines

Completing the signup process for these platforms enhances local and overall SEO. Presence on one search engine can influence others.

7. 😌 Look and Feel

The look and feel of a website convey information and interaction between users and site owners. It includes graphical elements like colors, shapes, icons, images, layout, fonts, font sizes, background colors, buttons, boxes, and menus.

Design for responsiveness across all devices and browsers. Complex logos or graphics may become incomprehensible on smaller screens. Ensure menus and elements are mobile-friendly.

8. 🔒 Secure the website

Implement SSL certificates, use updated systems, avoid unnecessary databases and plugins, and limit CMS access via FTP.

Prices and Costs

All of the above and more that we are not disclosing here will come with a cost. To determinate the price we should know more details:
  • If you already have a website and from how long
  • How is your brand well known in your field
  • Which are the keywords you have in mind
  • What kind of web marketing you already have in place (social network, banners, whatever...)
  • What kind of material (images, videos, info graphics) and content you can provide
  • The originality of the content
  • And many other details.
So you cannot buy this offer directly online. Please note that any modification, suggestion, task or technical SEO approach for existing websites or new projects will be corroborated with a documented statement from Google or other search engines like video, forum answers, links or both or all that will support the detected SEO issue and the solution offered.
Please ask us for a quotation at info@webdee-seoservice.com or go to the contacts page for more contacts options.

The quotation will be free and without any kind of obligation. Please indicate if you prefer to be contacted by email or telephone.

In some case, we will perform a simple search audit, still free. If the analysis and technical search audit must be done on an existing website there may be some costs but we will always advise you and wait for your confirmation before proceeding.

Last but not least consideration

To be found on the internet by Google and other similar actors by keywords is the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) scope. So you turn on SEO to have more people entering your website. More people visiting your website, seeing your products or services, more are the chances you will close more deals and improve your business. So it is not only SEO that can do this. Any means that will increase the traffic to your website will have a similar impact on your business.

So you should consider placing links on websites that have topics related to your business, increase the activity on Facebook and other social networks, send email messages to your customers and other address you have, advertising your website name on flyers and business cards, participating in forums and blogs, place tutorial video in Youtube etcetera. But all these things must be done without make mistakes (like hundreds of useless paid links) that can damage your rank. Visit our marketing page for more details and suggestions.

Thank you for your time.