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WordPress web design

WordPress is one of the most common and most used platforms to create blogs (and websites). This is a fact. But, should I use it? Should I ask my webmaster for a WordPress website?

Creating an amateur blog with WordPress is easy
Creating a business website is another matter


WordPress is free software originally designed for creating blogs, though it has become immensely popular and is now the most widely used platform for building websites. Learn more at WordPress.org.

Creating a blog without WordPress can be challenging. You would need to develop a login system, enable commenting, automatically generate new pages for each article, manage comments, communicate with subscribers, and more. Doing this with custom HTML and PHP coding is quite complex, making WordPress a valuable solution.

While there are many other online tools for blogging today, WordPress remains the most targeted platform by hackers due to its widespread use. Many choose WordPress for websites that don't necessarily need frequent updates or comments, often following the trend rather than practical necessity.

However, for static websites, WordPress is overkill, resulting in a heavy, insecure, slow, and difficult-to-manage site. Many FTP-based CMS options are better suited for static sites and require no ongoing maintenance.

Managing a WordPress site, especially for SEO optimization, can be extremely time-consuming and challenging. Adding plugins, changing themes, and uploading images can inadvertently impact site performance and SEO without proper knowledge.
Read Easiness of WordPress or also SEO & WordPress.

WordPress enthusiasts and developers often tout WordPress SEO capabilities as unparalleled, sometimes overlooking Google's best practices. Here are a few examples:

  • Avoid changing URLs unless absolutely necessary.
  • Keep the website lightweight, minimize JavaScript, and avoid unnecessary frills.
  • Ensure the website loads quickly, especially on mobile and slower internet connections.
  • Avoid obscuring the page's name.
  • And more...

Each time you install a plugin, tweak colors or themes, or add new images, you risk inadvertently rewriting URLs, adding JavaScript, or slowing down your website's performance without realizing it. While WordPress offers fields for inserting keywords, effective SEO requires broader considerations.

If you entrust your website to someone who merely showcases a flashy (yet painfully slow ☺️) WordPress theme available online for less than $100, and lacks coding expertise, you'll end up with a problematic site. Your website should uniquely represent and effectively communicate your business. Any downtime, maintenance issues, or operational glitches will cost you time and money to resolve.

There are numerous amateurs who impress with fancy effects, promise a 5-minute installation, and claim it's easy to maintain. However, problems arise after the initial updates due to their limited programming skills. Explore the challenges in WordPress complexities.

To achieve a fast, user-friendly, and SEO-optimized WordPress site, hiring a skilled WordPress professional is essential, though this can be costly. Without proper expertise, a poorly managed WordPress site can lead to frequent downtime and maintenance issues, potentially affecting business operations and revenue.

Despite its complexities, WordPress remains a powerful tool in the hands of capable developers who understand its nuances. However, relying on inexperienced developers or pre-made themes without coding knowledge often leads to suboptimal results.

For those considering a WordPress site, investing in competent professionals with a solid background in HTML and PHP is crucial. Understanding that WordPress generates HTML and PHP code is essential for troubleshooting and future-proofing the site.

For more insights on the pros and cons of WordPress, check out discussions on platforms like Quora (Some WordPress pros and cons). Remember, WordPress is best suited for professional teams with web design expertise and proper hosting infrastructure. Explore managed WordPress hosting for optimal performance.


Let's get down to the specifics: the cost of a WordPress website.

We prepare a WordPress Blog based on your color preferences or themes (theme price not included). The blog will be set up and ready for use, complete with comments, images, posts, and articles, but it will be kept simple. We do not handle the setup (which includes determining the administrator, comment settings per post, and other WordPress configurations).

At this point, maintenance will be your responsibility. The installation fee is 11,500 THB.

Preinstalled WordPress. If you prefer a basic yet fast website (with essential plugins preinstalled) using WordPress, the setup fee is 2,000 THB. You can view an example of a fast WordPress website here. If you refrain from adding new plugins (not even one), we will ensure your WordPress remains updated at no additional charge.

The prices above include fast hosting, but do not cover WordPress maintenance.

For an advanced web solution (with or without WordPress), ensuring a fast, stable, user-friendly, and SEO-friendly website, please contact us at info@webdee-seoservice.com or visit our contacts page for more options.

For advanced web solutions that prioritize speed, stability, user-friendliness, and SEO, contact us at info@webdee-seoservice.com or visit our contacts page for more options.

To read: create websites


This website is not built with WordPress.