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Combining professional e-commerce with professional SEO website

A professional e-commerce platform to administrate the sales combined with a SEO website to boost your presence in internet

Professional ecommerce and SEO
Create a perfect SEO website with the required web design optimization
and combine it with a modern e-commerce fully featured platform.

Professional E-commerce and SEO

A professional e-commerce platform not only allows for the sale of products online with a shopping cart but also provides an easy way to manage your customers and products. It also offers a good service to your customers, enabling them to shop easily from home. However, traditional e-commerce sites often feature a boring list of products, are slow to load, and are not very Google-friendly.

Our idea is to create a combination of SEO optimization and a professional e-commerce system. You will have an SEO-optimized website with a detailed description of your company, a general description of your services and products, and many engaging articles about the products your company sells, each with links that directly add the linked product to the shopping cart without entering the e-commerce site. The e-commerce platform itself will be rich in descriptions for all the products.

This combination of a content-rich, SEO-optimized website and a professional e-commerce system can yield excellent results.

Users will not feel trapped in a shopping site, thinking “Oh, just another shopping website.” Instead, they will have the option to use the convenience of a shopping cart if they choose. They will feel like they are reading and learning about products rather than being bombarded with ads. For Google and other search engines, you will be offering a great website that is fast, informative, and filled with valuable content, with the added option of direct online purchases.

Of course, all of this has to be combined in the right and professional way to be effective.

Prices for a Combined E-commerce and SEO Web Design

It's difficult to determine a precise price without additional information such as:

  • Number of articles
  • Expected number of visitors
  • Type of products, taxonomy
  • Requested keywords
  • Suggested keywords
  • And much more…

Essentially, it will be the cost of a professional e-commerce platform plus SEO web design.
For a professional e-commerce platform (see more details on the professional e-commerce page), you can expect to invest around 25,000 THB. For a professional SEO optimized web design, the variables are too numerous to provide a fixed price here. To learn more about SEO web design, visit the SEO web design page.

For more information about SEO and website design, read an independent article (not from us) about SERP or this handy SEO guide.

Describe your idea and ask anything you want to know: info@webdee-seoservice.com or fill out the form on the contacts page.