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Real estate web design

An easy to use platform for real estate classified website. Post your listing and start to run your property business.

A simple solution. A Real estate web design
Sell any house to any customer

Real estate website for your listing online

A real estate website where to post your listings and show to your clients the houses, apartments, condominium that are in your portfolio for sale or rent.
Of course also business and land can be post and any other category you can think can be created on the spot. You will create your categories, your classified listings, add the pictures, the prices and everything will be done in an easy way.


What is so special about this real estate website platform?
If you need a multilingual real estate web design, here the regions, cities, and locations will be translated! Many platforms just leave the locations untranslated as they think that a city name does not have to be translated as it uses the same name worldwide. This is partially true. But think about languages that do not use Latin characters: how can you serve a name in the Cyrillic alphabet, Thai alphabet, or Arabic if you do not translate it?

The real estate website will be designed to gain the trust of visitors.
Consider that the purchase of a property (house, home, land) is a very crucial and important decision that someone can make.
So, an annoying, slow, and overcomplicated website that doesn’t even translate the location names—what kind of trust can it generate?

With our classified platform, you can concatenate the cities with the city areas, so each city will have areas that belong ONLY to that city (not all platforms do that) and yes: still translating all city area names!

You can search through the listings with many filters: by price range and by the number of bedrooms, including in the results properties that have that exact number of bedrooms or more (but not less)!

You can display results by price, including real estate listings that are just a bit more expensive: why cut out a potential client for a few bucks more?

And of course, all the other features that real estate website platforms can offer: inserting pictures, receiving emails from interested customers, sending email notifications to customers when new listings match their searches, maps, and more.

Additionally, you can choose if visitors can post their listings (you can moderate before publishing, of course), whether they can do it as a guest or if they need to sign up.

All in your hands in an easy way.

The platform we use (of course, we modify it to improve performance and translations) is one of the best available: Osclass. Furthermore, OSclass is also one of the most technically reliable systems, making updates and maintenance easy.

SEO in Osclass? We all know that an oversight in the creation of the multilanguage system in Osclass ended up creating the same page URLs regardless of the language used (e.g., the page "Houses for Sale" will have the same URL for all languages!). The result is that Google indexes only the pages in the main language, completely ignoring pages in other languages.
We can fix this issue on our websites. Below, you can see that the languages use a truly different URL:

Real Estate website in English
This link is for English:
Real Estate website in Czech language
This link is for the Czech version:

You can see that there is a /cz added after the domain. If you check the website following the links above, you will also see that for the Thai language there is /th added after the domain. We can also use a subdomain solution when needed.

You can also create your full classified listing website, job posts website, or any other classified website.

About the look and feel we will let you choose between some themes so there will be no increase in the price for the web design of this real estate website.

Of course, if you need, we can completely customize the design of your real estate website to fit your needs.

How do we create a real estate website?

A fully functional real estate classified website is designed following these steps:
  • Choosing the appropriate domain name and matching it with our SSD-equipped fast hosting with MariaDB for a fast response to customer queries.
  • Making it look the way you want by choosing between templates or redesigning it to meet your wishes.
  • Starting the initial setup of your website, considering the geographical coverage of your real estate agency: how you want to present the listings, the regions, the cities, city areas, and more.
  • Inserting the first properties to display on the website.
  • Setting up the way you will accept online listings from visitors.
  • Training you or your staff in the use of the platform.

How much should a well-functioning real estate website cost?

The cost of developing this kind of website will be 18,000 THB, including domain, hosting, and SSL, if you will use only one language. Check our pricing page for details.

For customization, we will discuss the price of your new real estate website and produce a detailed quotation on request.

The quotation is free of charge and absolutely without any commitment.

All the above prices, features, and descriptions apply to classified websites as well, not only to real estate web design.

Here more example of web design for classified website:

Real Estate website theme
Real estate website theme
Classified website theme
Classified website theme

Real Estate classified website theme
Real estate classified website theme
Classified web design theme
Classified web design theme

Consult with us before choose a theme: info@webdee-seoservice.com

Advertise your Real Estate Website

Why Real-Estaters Should Go For Native Advertising?
Advertising is an essential aspect for most businesses to consider. This is because they allow them to make customers aware of their products to sell them. Most businesses will invest a large chunk of their budget in advertising, or sometimes even a majority. Without advertising, businesses have minimal potential to grow. After all, word of mouth can only get you so far, especially with so many businesses to compete with.

real estate online platform
Advertising is an essential aspect for
Real Estate, find the right way

The real estate market is one such market that relies heavily on advertising and digital marketing. This includes SEO interior designers. Many real estate businesses depend entirely on advertising to make people aware of any properties they are selling. However, advertising is a vast subject, and it can be pretty challenging to figure out which advertisements to invest in. Advertising can require a hefty investment, too, so as a real estate business, you want to go for something that will give the best results possible. We recommend using native advertising for your real estate business. In this article, we will discuss exactly why you should go for it.

What is Native Advertising?

Native advertising is a special type of advertising designed to look natural when displayed on a platform. This could be anything from a website to a social media app. They are called 'native' because they look like they belong naturally where they're integrated. When you look at them, you can't even tell that they're initially native ads. Although, sometimes, some platforms will tend to label them as ads, like Google search ads. On the other hand, other ads can easily be identified as ads.

Advantages of Native Advertising

Native advertising offers a range of benefits that make that ideal for your real estate business. These are:
  • Millennials and Gen Z consumers tend to trust native advertising more due to the sometimes-predatory nature of traditional advertising.
  • Native ads also offer more thought-provoking content that may be a lot more valuable to them. Consumers will be more liable to engage with it.
  • Native ads have a higher CTR rate than traditional ads because they offer more valuable information to consumers. This makes it more likely for them to buy something on the website.

Why is Native Advertising ideal for Real Estaters?

This can be illustrated with an example. Consider an ad for a cup of coffee you see when you're scrolling on Instagram. You see that it uses 100% natural ingredients and has a fair price. You decide to get it on your way to work because, after all, it's only a cup of coffee. If it tastes bad, there's no loss because it's not worth a lot of money.

Now consider the real estate market. Most houses are worth six figures or even more. This makes it a decision that would require a lot more thought and decision-making. Would you want to buy a whole house just off a picture of the house on a billboard? Probably not, right? Now consider a content piece that lists the various advantages of buying the house, including its neighborhood. A native ad would likely read precisely like this. As you can see, being given accurate information to decide is most likely to make you buy the house. This illustrates precisely why native advertising is perfect for a real estate business.

What are some ways Real Estaters can make use of Native Advertising?

There are several techniques that real estaters can integrate into their native advertising strategy. This will allow you to make the most out of the investment you make into it. Some of these are:
  • Add images to your ads with people as it helps you create brand familiarity.
  • Add your logo to the ad to further increase brand familiarity and interest
  • Make sure your ads are mobile-friendly. This is because most consumers continue to use mobiles more and more.
  • Add native ads smartly to integrate as seamlessly as possible into the platform you are trying to add them to.

The bottom line

Advertising is one of the most significant investments that most businesses, including real estate-based ones, make. There are many types of advertising available, but native advertising is ideal for real estate businesses. This is because of various reasons that make it ideal for convincing people to make the significant investment that houses or properties require. We have also talked about some of the native ad strategies you can use to have good results for your business.